On your mark!

How many remember racing against friends when you were younger? Everyone lines up, make sure the laces are tied and the “referee – Friend 1” starts the race.

Friend 1: On your mark

You: {Look to your right and to your left at the friends beside you knowing you are faster than them all}

Friend 1: Get set

You: {One last glance before putting your head down to start your stride}

Friend 1: {acts like they are going to say something}

All Racers: {start running}

Friend 1: I didn’t say Go

All Racers: Aww man {while going back to the line}

Friend 1: {starts the race over with the final words} GO!!

You and all racers: {run like someone is chasing you.)

You: Looking left and right you start to loose momentum and you see Friend 2 going strong looking straight until they reach the finish line.

What happened? Why did you not get to the line first? Why? Were they faster than you? No. Then why did you not get to the line first???

Friend 2 knew they had to worry about the line, not those on the left or the right. Friend 2 stayed focused and hit the target. You were so concerned where the others were that you started to slow down and loose momentum.

God (Friend 1) told you what to do.

Get on your mark: Focus on you and what he has given you to do.

Get set: Start with a budget (how much will the venture require, how much is needed in the end)

(The first false start) God saw you weren’t ready.

Go: Go after what you desire!!

My point. No matter where you are right now, you have a Fresh Start today to finish the race. Don’t worry about what other friends are doing, know your goal and obtain it. It’s a personal thing.

I have faith in you!!!


Have you missed the thought, touch, presence of something or someone? What about missing someone that was never yours to begin with?

I’ve been having one heck of a week. I think it’s because of my bday and mom day coming up… My mom was my listening ear and I miss her voice, her words, her awe inspired words from God.  None of those things will ever happen again but while I have breathe, I vow to not allow my pride our my crazy rules interfere with telling someone how I feel. My mom belonged to me for just a season and now she belongs to God.

So recently, Girl meets guy years ago… Girl and guy never “hook up”… Girl and guy know each other for years and always has nice things to say to one another and make wise cracks but still never “hook up”…. There seems to be an attraction. Girl thinks guy is a player and maybe just a ill too young so she tries to just ignore him.

One day, guy ask girl out. Now what! During the first conversations, the two decides to put everything they know about each other out of their minds. They talk on the phone and realize that maybe they like each other.

Girl realizes that guy isn’t what she thought. It’s so different for her… Things are going ok but girl starts missing his voice, his presence… Now instead of phone calls, they texts… Uh oh, whats wrong with this picture? Texting is the first strain on anyones relationship/friendship. Texting is impersonable. You can’t read motions, you can’t read their voice. LOL can’t be heard. Girlcan’t call guy cause she doesn’t want to seem “pressed” “anxious” “demanding”. Guy isn’t calling either because he, like girl, have rules about attachment and meeting in the middle (u give 5, I give 5)…. <<<~~~~ {pause} Please tell me here in the dating book is this rule/clause?

What I’ve come to realize is that many of us will miss that special person because we are too afraid to let one one know how we feel about them. Never allow pride to step in… It’s ok to miss someone that doesn’t BELONG to you. Having genuine friends are important in our journey though life. So, um yeah, I miss you… I miss being able to hear your voice and that laughter… Its crazy, but I do.  I think its because of your genuineness and personality.  And you are a “good dude”.  LOL

I Feel Her

Sitting here listening to R. Kelly “heart of a woman” got me going… So of course, i decided to write 😉 been a minute….

The woman’s heart is delicate when it comes to those she love. I’ve heard of so many breakups that it saddens me. I’ve had a few men approach me with the awwws of their wives messing around or they are separated. I vowed to God to not entertain these men because I thought about the heart of HIS woman. See, while he’s telling his SIDE of the story, she is somewhere giving hers. And the two stories are more than likely not the same. So before we as women indulge in theses open opportunities, we need to be careful what we are getting ourselves in to. What he does to her, he’ll do it to you….

buyers beware!!!!

Love and Happiness…

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.” — Both inspired by God

We were born to love.  We were born in love.  Our innocence had no fear… As we grew older, we learned the bad behavior of fear.  Fear of the unknown, rejection, disapproval, etc. We “learned” the behaviors that would forever change our lives.  Things such as neglect, hate, the feeling of losing something…. God never intended for us to live in fear but in love.Thats why its good to go back to your first Love, God, the giver and creator of Love.

“Love and happiness…. Something that can, make you do wrong.  Make you do right, love. Love and happiness…. Wait a minute something’s going wrong someone’s on the phone three o’clock in the morning. Talkin’ about, how she can make it right. Well, happiness is when you really feel good, about somebody.  Nothing wrong with being in love with someone” Al Green

Just had the craziest dream about my mom… It felt so real. Like she was actually there talking with me. I should’ve spent the time asking her some questions but NO, I was trying to get her a deal. Lol… They had iPhones for $25. And I was trying to find a close park. Lol… I love you lady!!

I’ll forever be your Chanie Pooh


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